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Planning Board Minutes 05-17-2018
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Last Updated: 2018/6/12
Regular Meeting
May 17, 2018

Members & Staff Present:                
Janet McEwen (Chair), Chris Condon (Vice Chair), Mary Allen (Member), William Bryk (Member), Bob Holmes (Member), John Robertson (Ex-Officio), Steve MacDonald (Alternate), Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner), and Kristin Bixby (Assistant to Land Use Boards).
Members Absent: Lynne Rosansky (Member)
Others Present: None
CTO:  Chair McEwen called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and introduced the Board and staff.
I.      Minutes
  • Minutes from April 19, 2018.
Motion:   Mr. Robertson moved to read the minutes for approval, seconded by Vice Chair Condon.
Discussion: Ms. Bixby changed the date at the top of the page.
Motion:   Mr. Robertson moved the motion/seconded by Mr. Bryk for approval of the minutes as amended.    
Vote:  By a voice vote, the April 19, 2018 minutes were approved as revised.
II.     Workshop: Planning Board Roles & Responsibilities
Chair McEwen asked Ms. Ogilvie to begin the presentation she had prepared to go over the roles and responsibilities of the Planning Board. The presentation can be found as an attachment on the Town Website, and is available upon request at the Antrim Town Hall.
Board Discussion on the Presentation:
Ms. Allen asked if Board members could say that they are not in support of the Town’s zoning or section within the Zoning Ordinance. Ms. Ogilvie confirmed that they could.
Mr. MacDonald asked if the Board could do a site visit without a quorum present. Ms. Ogilvie said that if a quorum is not met, no formal meeting minutes need to be taken and no one needs to be notified of the meeting. Technically, the Board can send representatives at different times so it is never a formal meeting. However, it is suggested that everyone gets to go. Seeing the site will influence how you understand the application.
Ms. Ogilvie clarified that Boards do get a call, and can still vote no on an application that “applies” correctly to the items on the checklist. However, it is always preferred that in these situations, the Board approves the application with conditions.
Mr. Holmes asks whether one person getting a variance sets precedent for neighbors. Ms. Ogilvie said that over time that exact thing can happen. Furthermore, if everyone on the street ends up coming in for a variance, the Board should reconsider rewriting that zoning because it is not working for the people and properties on the ground.
Chair McEwen asked if the recusal process should come up with the Board. Ms. Ogilvie replied that the public doesn’t have the right to say whether a Board member has to recuse themselves. Mr. Holmes added that the Board can vote, but overall the recusal decision is up to the Member in question
Holmes asked about regulations for scenic roads. Ms. Ogilvie mentioned that most towns, including Antrim, do not have specific planning/zoning regulations for scenic roads. There was a brief discussion on whether the Board may want to draft something for the ordinance that would bring more clarity to scenic roads.
Ms. Allen and Bill Bryk discussed going to planning session from NH OSI. Ms. Allen talked about the plenary session and speaker from UNH Cooperative Extension who spoke about increase in training for tech trades. She noted that, “having specialized education is a part of the planning toolbox I wasn’t even aware of.” She also noted that decorum was discussed about in last session she attended, adding that as a Board, members have the chance not only to educate the applicant but the public about what they are doing. Ms. Allen also recapped a conversation she had with a Planning Board representative from Hillsborough.
III.    Discussion: Population Statistics
Chair McEwen decided to table this discussion for the next Board meeting.
IV.     Correspondence – Southwest Region Planning Commission
SWRPC Newsletter – April 2018 Update. The Board had no questions about the April update.
V.      Additional Business
There was a brief discussion regarding the logistics of who should be invited personally to the special Planning Board Workshop, and timing on when the RSVPs should be received. Chair McEwen volunteered to contact Rick and Dianne’s to get some sandwiches for the event.
Motion:   Vice Chair Condon made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Holmes.
Discussion: There was no discussion.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all Board members agreed.

Meeting Adjourned:  8:36 PM

Respectfully Submitted,
Kristin Bixby
Assistant to Land Use Boards